Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just another project.......

So here is our latest project!
Thank you to Allison for the "Bunny Bucket" idea last Easter. We just added a Hallowe'en theme to it. Easy project for Eden, she could use the glue, all drippy and gooey to put on the tissue paper, then I printed 6-8 different features and she picked and glued the shapes on!

Looks great with a candle, or a glow stick but I think we are going to use it for her trick or treating bag.
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Spencer, Allison, McLean, Lucy, Olivia and Jack Mylymok said...

It's a little creepy looking :) But a great idea, much more work than the bunny bucket but still eprfect. Love to see Eden's work and that she's enjoyng crafts!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Super fun! But do tell more... We are all about the Halloween crafts around here and I am always keen for new ideas.

Oh, and well done on the posting, Erin! You're on a roll now!