Friday, May 29, 2009

It's a girl....

On May 5th 2009 we welcomed the arrival of Zeta Susan Armstrong to our family. For those of you who are counting that makes 5 girls! Poor Heath just imagine the hormones in this house, on the other hand he should be well taken care of in the future. Zeta arrived bright and early on the 5th at 7:02am, just only 11 short days overdue!! LOL
She weighed in at the heaviest of the girls at 9lbs 4 0z and the shortest of all the girls at 20 inches. Don't let that fool you though because at only 3 weeks old she is topping the scale at almost 10 lbs and has already grown 2 inches!! Everyone is adjusting to the new arrival wonderfully and everyone is doing well......

A new arrival.......

I have discovered a rare photo of my second pregnancy........Not too many around, this one is at about 81/2 months along.. Eden and the new baby sister
Welcome to the family little girl.........

Loving the bath

Two sisters

Look who's two...

Happy Birthday Eden, 2 years goodness how the time flys... Out in the yard with cousin music and lounging in the spring sunshine.

The many faces of Miss Eden

If you can believe it, the date was April 27th 2009 running around outside naked!!!! Sorry Jennifer, I know you guys just had snow once again!
Mommy's attempt at taking Vaseline out of one toddlers hair! I tell you we tried everything under the sun. Best results came from cornstarch and Dawn dish soap. Mommy knows now toddlers can reach anything they can set their eyes on no matter how high up it is!!!

If you can't get bubbles from the bubble wand then make them with your mouth.

T's birthday.......Hula anyone?

For Thalia's birthday this year we had a little Hawaii theme going on......Sleep over, pizza, pop the whole works.......

As a craft the kids made Grass had by all

Just a couple of the girls

Who me????