Friday, May 18, 2007

What to do on a Friday night.....

So what do 9 year olds and 4 week olds like to do on a Friday night??? Well, if your at the Armstrong house hold, how about read a story.....!!!

And if your only 4 weeks old, your sisters like to dress you up, and give you teddys to play with....

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Three generations......

A Mother's Day snapshot of Grandma, Mommy and Eden.....

I have been trying and trying to get some family photos, esp of Heath and the girls but it has proven to be very difficult. My goal this weekend is to be sneeky and get some shots for everyone to enjoy! Let's hope I can get some!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Our sleepy girl

Just a little snap of Eden having a little snooze...