Friday, June 29, 2007

Sweet little girl....

Look what they are doing to me......

I just can't help taking photos of her......luckily the girls like to just as much as me!! Well almost all of the girls. I think Miss Eden would have rather been doing something else....

but after a couple shots, she decided to give us a great pose!

Another year flys by....

This last week has been a busy, all the girls have had end of the year school activities. Swimming, waterslides, bubble day, fun days, BBQ's and recognition ceremonies.

First was Alyssa's ceremony where she received recognition for outstanding performance for English Eight as well as academic excellence and effort awards. Next came Samantha, who received recognition for completion of grade six late french immersion and a certificate for something I just can't translate what it was for since it is all in French! Finally, Thaila received recognition for her hard work and positive attitude.

A wonderful year for all, now it's time for them to enjoy their well deserved summer break. As of right now the new year looks like this: Alyssa grade 9 Dunsmuir, Samantha grade 7 John Stubbs late french immersion, and Thalia grade 4 Savory. Nice work girls we are very proud of you!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Family outing.....

On Saturday the family hopped into the van for a day filled with relaxation, laughter, and surprise encounters! After driving for about two hours with little voices asking "How much longer?" we arrived at Lizard Lake, accompanied by Corrina and Russ (the girls mom and her finace). We then quickly pulled out the fishing rods, pulled down the kayak, and pulled in the fishes! The first to pull in a wee trout was Alyssa, quickly followed by Thalia, and much later Heath captured his own. Samantha, and the rest of us didn't have as much luck, actually we didn't have any luck!

After a little fishing, a couple trips in the kayak we had a roasted hot dog lunch and just time to relax. On the way home we spotted a 'point of interest', which turned out to be a Giant Spruce. We just had to get a photo of the girls along side of this most magnificent tree. Only just after driving a little more we came upon our surprise encounter........ It was a beauty of a black bear. Heath quickly jumped out and caught the bear on film.

As for laughter the day was filled with it, as well as the back of the van on the way home, as evident in the photo.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A o"kay.....

Hi you can see I'm giving everyone the a o'kay sign. Mommy and Daddy took me for my 8 week check up yesterday and Dr. says I'm doing wonderful. I now am 60cm long or should I say two feet tall, and I weigh a wonderful 11 pounds, 9.5 ounces. Mommy and Daddy are being quite silly these days, as they are often making funny animal noises at me. So I just laugh and smile at them, sometimes I even make a little squeak which makes them laugh and smile too!
Hope everyone is doing Eden.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just makes me smile......

First trip to the beach, soon enough I know she will be eating the sand....LOL

Eden while camping....

Monday, June 04, 2007

First camping trip of the season...

Just this past weekend, the girls and I decided to surprise Daddy with a camping trip. So with a little help from them I packed up the van Friday night and we were off to Nixon Creek Saturday morning. Heath was surely surprised and I think it was just nice to get away for a quick little camp out...

Family photo, are hard thing to get because usually at least one of us looks silly in the photos..... followed by Thalia and Eden having a snuggle in the tent...

Daddy and his daughters...

A lovely photo of Heath and his daughters....

What do Heath and the girls have in common????
How about a love of Moto!!!!!

Surprise!!! It's a baby shower!!!

At the end of May Eden and I were treated to a very special surprise....a baby shower. We would like to thank everyone who attended and those who sent warm wishes, and an extra big thank you for all the special treats for our little "Peanut". I'm sure she will be the cutest little girl sporting all those new clothes..

Eden with her Great Grandma....

This is pretty much how Eden enjoyed her shower.....slept right through it!!!

Shower continued