Tuesday, May 27, 2008

You might say mischief should be my middle name.....

So I was just putting my shoes on to run out the door and in the two seconds it takes to do that.....she discovered the toilet paper roll in the bathroom.....
Should have know it wouldn't be too long before she did because also this week she has taken to stealing poor Thalia's toothbrush and toothpaste from the drawer. Not only does she carry it around the entire house with her, but just yesterday as I climbed over the baby gate to go outside I looked down and......
........low and behold Eden has tossed the toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste and her cookie as an offering to the cats. I almost quiver to think what it might be next!!!!!
O.....oh......! is what my sweet little girl said when I looked at her!


Jennifer said...

How sweet. I adore that dress and dare I say that Eden has more red in her hair than I thought...maybe a strawberry blond? Good luck keeping up with this one Erin and Heath...

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Sawyer has recently discovered the joys of the toilet paper roll as well! Non-stop fun!

Spencer, Allison, McLean, Lucy, Olivia and Jack Mylymok said...

Well, she has caught up to Mac with this one, just be glad she hasn't discovered the stomping in your poop and making splashes yet! Just wait, you'll get something equally as disgusting.